
New Year's Greeting from Yasufumi Iryu, the PEPS Editor in Chief

[Japanese text follows English. 日本語版は英語版の後に表示します。]

On behalf of the staff and editors of PEPS I would like to wish everyone a very happy new year.

In the second half of last year PEPS received two very important pieces of good news.  First PEPS was registered in Elsevier’s abstract and citation database Scopus and then towards the end of the year we were included in Clarivate Analytics’ (formerly Thomson Reuter’s) Science Citation Index Expanded(SCIE). SCIE is made available online through the Web of Science and is used to calculate journals’ impact factors: we expect our first impact factor to be announced this summer. Whilst there is no formal definition of what it means to be a top-level journal, I think that being included in the impact factor calculations would be a criterion that many would agree on, and I hope that I can say without contradiction that our inclusion in SCIE has confirmed PEPS’s place amongst the leading international journals in our field.

PEPS received its first manuscript at the end of 2013 and we published our first papers in April 2014. Although many researchers were naturally concerned about submitting to a journal without an IF calculation we were gratified by the support that we received from the global geoscience community. I am pleased to say that we never suffered from a shortage of submissions and ever since our launch we have been able to publish first rate scientific papers on a regular basis. This was of course due to the high quality of the manuscripts that we received from around the world (in 2017 we received more than 100 submissions), but it is also due to the speed and accuracy with which all of our reviewers processed papers for us. The PEPS editors would therefore like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our reviewers for all of their hard work, and to express again our intention to continue to build on our recent successes to further cement PEPS’s position as one of the leading geoscience journals.

PEPS is an open access e-journal, and authors are required to pay an article processing charge (APC) when their papers are published. When we launched our journal the open access publishing model was relatively unknown in Japan, and we received some criticism for choosing this format. We therefore actively used platforms provided by events such as at the JpGU Annual Meeting to try to explain the meaning and significance of open science and open access. In common with a number of countries, the Japanese government has been promoting the open science concept, and it is likely that they will require that scientific research results that are funded by public money be published in an open access journal where possible. We are working to position PEPS as a suitable journal for high quality geoscience papers.

On a slightly negative note, we have heard that some of the data that was used in a paper published last year in a field closely related to geoscience may have been falsified. If this is true then it must be roundly condemned. Referees of course check papers and their data for scientific accuracy, but they do so under the assumption that authors have acted in good faith and are not trying to cheat the system. At PEPS we therefore use the online plagiarism detection tool iThenticate, and have prepared and displayed authorship guidelines to try to ensure that all papers published in our journal fairly and impartially present the results of real research work.

We have recently introduced a new category of paper that we call “Paper with full data attached”. These allow researchers to present the full data sets that were collected whilst doing the published work. We hope that these data sets will be useful to other researchers.

Finally please let me wish you all a prosperous and successful 2018.

Yasufumi Iryu
PEPS Editor in Chief


昨年の後半に,PEPSにとって大変喜ばしいニュースが2つ舞い込んできました.PEPSが,Elsevier社の抄録・引用文献データベースScopus,およびClarivate Analytics社(旧Thomson Reuter社)のWeb of Scienceによる引用文献データベースScience Citation Index Expanded(SCIE)に採録されることになったというニュースです.後者に採録されると,雑誌の被引用度の代表的な指標であるインパクト・ファクター(IF)が付与されます.PEPSの最初のIFは,今年夏に発表される予定です.よく国際誌という語が用いられますが,その明確な定義がある訳ではありません.しかし,IFが付与されているか否かが,その判断基準にされることが多いようです.よって,PEPSは国際誌として認知されるところまで到達したと言ってよいと思います.

PEPSは,2013年に投稿受付を開始し, 2014年4月に最初の論文が出版されました.創刊当初,IFが付与されていない雑誌に投稿していただけるか大変心配しましたが,JpGUの会員の方々および海外の地球惑星科学コミュニティーの方々から積極的に投稿していただき,原稿不足になることは一度もありませんでした.そして,2017年の投稿原稿数は100編を超えるに至りました.


PEPSは,オープンアクセスの電子ジャーナルで,論文掲載に際しては,Article Processing Charge (APC)をいただいております.創刊当時は,オープンアクセスを単なる出版社の新たなビジネスモデルと理解されている方も少なくなく,そのようなジャーナルの出版を進めていることを批判されることもありました.そのため,連合大会におけるセッション等を利用して,オープンサイエンスやオープンアクセスの意義の周知にも努めてきました.日本は,国としてオープンサイエンスを推進しており,今後,公的資金で実施される研究の成果のオープンアクセスという形での公開が,いっそう強く求められると予想されます.PEPSは,地球科学分野のオープンアクセスジャーナルの先駆けとして,その受け皿になるべく努力していきたいと思います.

さて,昨年,地球惑星科学に関連分野のある論文に対して,データの一部に捏造の可能性が高いという指摘がなされました.事実とすれば,誠に遺憾な行為と言わざるをえません.一般に,論文の査読では,データが科学的に正しいか否かはチェックされますが,そこでは捏造や剽窃・盗作の可能性は想定されていません.PEPSでは,剽窃・盗作検知のオンラインツールであるiThenticateを導入するとともに,オーサーシップガイドラインを作成・提示し,研究成果が公正な形で公開されるように努めています.また,論文に関わる研究で得られたデータを公開できる場として,Paper with full data attachedという新たなタイプの論文形式も提供しています.


井龍 康文

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